Covid -19

It is possible to film in Portugal and there are guidelines set for shooting during the pandemic.

With the goal of keeping everyone involved in production safe, measures for different departments have been established. Along with these measures a contingency plan for shooting, made by production, is required.

Nu Boyana Portugal’s guidelines combine the guidelines established locally by the Portuguese Film Institute working with the Health Department, as well as international practices used by Nu Boyana Film Studios, following World Health Organization directions. They involve physical distance, individual hygiene, sanitization of locations and material, security involved to close locations, among others. Nu Boyana Portugal can help you understanding these guidelines and create a contingency plan.

Meeting Safely

All work that can be done remotely, should be. In situations in which it is not possible to work remotely, protective gear – such as a mask – is always to be used .

If you would like to know more about Nu Boyana Portugal’s guidelines to shooting safely in Portugal, please contact us through

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